Monday, January 18, 2010

Goodbye, goodbye to everyone, it was nice to have you here!

Oh, if you didn’t know, I’m a list maker. I love to make to-do lists, and with the plethora of work I’ve had these past few weeks at work, I once even managed to make a to-do list for my to-do lists. The point is, I have planned on making lists of what I’ll miss, and what I’m looking forward to back home, for a while now. I often think to myself, “man, I’ll miss this, or gosh, I can’t wait to see this person,” so alas, my lists shall come to fruition today. I’ll keep ‘em at 10 bullet points for your sake.

Tears of sadness may be shed because I will miss. . .

1. Singing kiddie songs to the little ones including ‘the clean up song’, ‘who are the people in your neighborhood?’, all of the color songs, and ‘goodbye, goodbye to everyone.’
2. Daily sunshine. There wasn’t a day without it this entire year, I’m sure of it.
3. Greeting people with wais.
4. Working barefoot.
5. Being surrounded by the beautiful, inspiring things and people that are Thailand.
6. The rubber tree plantations that I’m convinced hold magical capabilities.
7. My terrific co-workers who get me, my humor, and who have allowed me to become part of their family.
8. Receiving/delivering encouraging and loving snail mail from/to dearest friends.
9. Two hour massages that go for $9 U.S. dollars.
10. Students calling me by names such as, Kru Hilaria, Hilaleen, Helen, and my personal favorite, Halloween.
11. Okay one more... his name is Dtin Dtin!

I might just cry for joy because I can’t wait to. . .

1. Flush toilets with a handle.
2. Delight myself in Ohio snow.
3. Hug my mom, my dad, my brother, and my sweet, sweet, friends who I haven’t seen for an entire year! Yikes!
4. Live a life sans mosquitoes, little red ants that bite, and other creatures that make life a little too uncomfortable.
5. Stuff my face with some good Western food whilst drinking delicious beer.
6. Go to the museum on Sunday.
7. Have the ability to walk out the front door and go for a jog.
8. See some delightful live music. Mmm!
9. Be with my Peacemakers again.
10. Reminisce on Thailand over good coffee.

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