Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I'm so paid.

This title comes from a super cool mix from my mom. Who would've thought we'd end up liking each other's music some day? Love you mom! (Oh- and in case you're looking for significance, it's just referring to the idea that I actually have a job. And I'm so paid- in Thai baht.)

So, today was a fantastic day. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, but it was one of those days where I felt that my eyes were wide open to all that was around me.

I began my day by drinking some delicious American coffee (which probably origniated in a country that's actually closer to me now) fresh from the French press- and I said out loud, “Man, this coffee is good.” Then at the school I finished decorating my bulletin boards in my class room. It’s absolutely nerdy that I got excited about this, but I felt so accomplished. To top off my day, I was able to Skype with a dear friend- Rachel Welty. We talked of traveling, of poetry, of books and friends (well- I talked, Rachel typed- our connection was a bit off). I laughed out loud and thought once more, this is good.

I only wish that I could learn to appreciate such details in every day that is to come. How can I better live with my eyes wide open? I think slowing down is part of it. I think in this Thai culture I am learning to slow down more- a characteristic that I think my American upbringing and life opposes. I don’t know that there’s a formula to achieving this, but what a delight it is- to slow down long enough to actually take in all that is around you.

So, cheers to slowing down and taking a look around. Let me in on what YOU find, will you?

(Note: Matt and Karla, my Skype session with Rachel has not superseded yours. I found our time hilarious and refreshing. Tell me again, where do you live? Santa Cruz? Santa Monica? Santa Clause? I love you two!)

Okay, okay. So here are my bulletin boards. Off the chain, right?

1 comment:

RachL said...

love you hil! i wish i could have more of your eye-opening experiences :) nos vemos, amiga!