Saturday, January 24, 2009

Turning pages..

St. Augustine wrote, "The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page." So here I am, in Southern Thailand, turning pages.

I'm sorry, my followers, that I haven't written more. Our Internet access is few and far between at home, and I'm not always feeling creative enough in the office to blog! At least.. I hope you find my blogs somewhat creative and worth reading. I recall that when I returned home from Ecuador, the first thing my father said to me was, "Blog-o? More like lame-o!!" So here is my attempt, Pops, at being a more faithful blogger!!

First of all, can I state, that for the record, nearly 100% of all Thai people smile back at you when you flash them a smile. This could perhaps be the most thrilling experience of all time- seeing as I'm a rather smiley person myself. It's refreshing to be living in a culture where stress is minimal, anger is not practiced, and joy is abounding. The Thai culture is much warmer than I could have ever imagined (in both personality and temperature, of course!) Oh yes- don't you worry, my dry humor will work it's way into these posts I'm sure!

I'd be lying if I didn't admit I have experienced some homesickness. I'm halfway around the world, can you blame me? But the truth of the matter is, where I work, Mathus (, is truly a community. I work, live, and hang out with a handful of wonderful folks. I'm practically never alone. This has made for an easy transition.

What is my favorite part of Thailand, you ask? Simple. The KIDS! Oh my gosh, am I going to enjoy my job! I technically work at a high school for 2 classes, and have 3 classes at Mathus. The high school kids are a handful (still cute, but somewhat terribly behaved), but the Mathus after-school kids are a blast. They are motivated, kind, and say the cutest things. And they make you feel loved. Who doesn't love being loved?

I'm also "turning another page" if you will, tonight, as I board a night train to Malaysia! I'm going to get my working Visa, but I'm spending a day in Penang- beach, beach, beach! It's also the Chinese New Year, so celebrations will be near. I'll blog about it- I promise.

What am I learning? A lesson I've probably learned many a time before.. but yet here I am, learning it again. It is that we are all the same. We all have big hearts, needs, families, hurts, passions, weaknesses, hopes, dreams, challenges. And we should love each other in it. Actually- I'm reminded of a quotation I saw on the tram at Denver Airport when I was visiting my mom for Christmas. It said..

"If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility."
(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)

I wish my name was Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Anyway, I'm learning to love in a new culture. To love unconditionally. To love people that are so different than I am. I'm learning what it is to be misunderstood (I can barely count to 10 in Thai, let alone have any sort of conversation yet.) Funny isn't it? While becoming a teacher, I'm continually learning.

Okay, one more quote! Everyday, when I'm faced with something I'm uncomfortable with, or dislike, I just remind myself that I am doing what I love. And I should love what I do. ("Do what you love. Love what you do.")

May we love whatever we are doing today. Thanks for reading! 'Til we meet again.

(Ps- I'm going to take this opportunity to strongly encourage you to write me. hah!)

Mathus Language School
Attention: Hilary Buchanan
359/31 Chonkasem Rd, Makhamtia, Muang,
Suratthani, Thailand 84000


Kellyn said...


Just got back from leader weekend, we missed you! Steve Gardener spoke about not being imitators of Christ, but rather, Christ inhabiting us. He is with us always. He also spoke about community, and having a mindset to forgive, sacrifice and give thanks, so much so, that it just flows out of us without working at it!

Just wanted to let you know what "we've" been learning! I pray that you find great community in Thailand and that you recognize that Christ is with you always. We love and miss you so much!

Anon said...


Karla told me I should read your blog, and I LOVE it!! You're a great writer and I love hearing about your adventures on the other side of the world! Keep writing girl!