Monday, June 14, 2010

it's good to have options.

I’ve been learning lately. That’s good, right? I’ve taken a liking to having the ability to really provide for myself, to be more independent, (thus trying to learn more about sustainability), and have also been digging into the roots of what I believe as far as spirituality is concerned.

I want to preface this streamline of thought. It’s funny to write about these types of ‘adventures’, as opposed to my traveling ones. I find that it’s a lot more comfortable, and much easier to articulate the bizarre and wacky and profound that is experienced in exploring the world. It’s a bit more personal for me to write anything about what I’m about to. So bear with me, and forgive me if you don’t like it, please. And thank you!

Alas, let’s talk about independence and providing for one’s self. I’m not quite sure when I decided it was important, but I’ve certainly come to decide that it is. There’s something empowering and good about a simple life style. I’ve been lucky enough to know some people who live this out in a genuine manner. One being Patty, my dear farm host who taught me the ins and outs of gardening and compost last week. (She also gave me a crash course on how to love bunnies better. I quite liked this!) I guess I’ll take a moment to endorse WWOOF. It’s the World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms- It’s almost like couchsurfing, but farmsurfing! You can hook up with hosts to learn different skills, crash at their place, and get fed. It’s a good deal. One of Patty’s previous volunteers has been wwoofing the world for a year now. I should find his blog and connect you to it. I’ll get on that.

Let’s get back on track! It’s also a good idea to produce less trash, isn’t it? I know how humongous the Columbus landfill is, and I’m doing my best not to add to it. This means buying less, being more conscious of how I can reuse things, and recycling what I can. It looks like I’ve addressed the 3 R’s. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Did you also know there is a 4th R? It’s Re-think. If you’re anything like me, you love to re-think. Everything. Sometimes to the point of exhaustion!

I’ve also been learning to knit, to sew, and to cook more. It’s really special to give gifts and use things that have been made with your own hands. They’ve got more character too. It’s also really exciting to eat your own food. Even more so if you’ve grown what you’re eating. Makes me wish I could time travel and spend time with the Native American Indians. Doesn’t it?

That’s my simplicity soap box. I hate to write bunches, because I don’t think anyone has time to sit and read long posts. I don’t totally dig them myself. So I’m going to leave it at that, and write more on my spiritual findings later.

By the way, I’ve found that often times when you use less, you can give more. And giving is good.

“Live simply, so others may simply live.”