My blog has become a bit dormant upon my return to the States, and I can't say that I'm happy about it. When I have an urge to write, I often have an urge to blog, and vice versa. So I haven't been writing much. At all. Anywhere. Sigh.
This must change! I typically don't write unless I have something to write on, but I've decided that if I want my writing to become more beautiful over time, perhaps I should be disciplined in writing simply to write.
There is always something to reflect on, isn't there? The streams of water down a window pane, the taste of coffee in the afternoon. These are things I know in this moment. Perhaps I can write of it. And I will.
Alas, you can read if you want to. (You can leave your friends behind. 'Cause your friends don't read. And if they don't read, well, they're no friends of mine! Thank you Men at Work for invading my head.)